Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16th, 2012 - Is Silence Going Extinct?

Today was mostly a lab day for me.  My boss took off... surprise surprise.  So I stayed inside and played with data.  Nothing glorious, but exciting nonetheless.  It's always nice to see raw data start to actually turn into something meaningful!

On a more serious note though, I am daily getting more and more excited about my new job in Denali National Park.  The more information I get about it, the more I feel like this move is the right one and big big things are going to come from it.

My point in bringing that up is that there was an article in the NY Times today about the work being done at Denali, the work I get to help with!.  Pretty awesome that the field of Soundscape Ecology is finally getting some recognition, the recognition it deserves.

Here's the link.  It's a long read, but worth at least reading the beginning.  Is Silence Going Extinct?

It's not about finding silence or finding noise.  It's about finding how it all fits together.

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