Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week 7: Data, Clemson house, and Summer Solstice

Sunrise: 3:34am
Sunset: 12:22am

This was certainly an odd week, as usual!

Hehe.  They are funny looking straight on!
Since finding out about my Clemson University, I've had a list of things I needed to do.  Like you know, find housing.  In the mean time though, I was also dealing with my passive aggressive boss, who was making it very clear he was not happy I was leaving early, regardless of the opportunity.

Monday was a computer day.  I sat at my desk for about 9 hours sorting data and to my excitement, fixing the IGL1 Station's data, which I thought I had lost.  Turns out on at least one of my sites, I got the full 2 weeks of data, with SPL and pictures, which ultimately ended up being 100% synced.  I was a happy researcher.  :)

So big!
Tuesday was an EVC bus day.  I got an AMAZING view of Denali, which was cool.  Besides that, we saw pretty much nothing wildlife wise.  Not even one bear.  So after spending 8 hours on the bus, I decided to spend another 2 hours in the office sorting data.  I was apparently feeling oddly motivated.

Wednesday was supposed to be another fun day out of the office doing Dall sheep surveys all day around Igloo Mountain. After hiking for about 30 minutes, it started sprinkling.  Followed by a downpour.  Followed by thunder and lightening.  After sitting under a tree for another 30 minutes and continuing to watch it lightening, we decided to head back.  I was disappointed, but I was also soaked.  I looked forward to dry clothes.

Hiking around Igloo Mtn.
By Thursday, I was exhausted.  For the last who knows how many days, I had gotten 7 hours or less of sleep each night.  Every morning I had been getting up at 5am either for work, or to call apartment complexes about room availability and lease flexibility in the Clemson area.  Long story short, I had been searching for just about anywhere within my price range that would let do a 6 month lease.  I had been completely unsuccessful thus far.

Mid-morning, I got a call back from a 3 bedroom house posted on craigslist.  The landlord was calling me back to let me know she could work with me and do a 6 month lease and go from there.  I told her I'd take it.  She seemed really excited about me moving into the house, and after signing the lease, she told me "Welcome to the family".  I already felt at home.  :)

My house for this fall.  :):)
I continued to plug away at data all day Friday, but Friday evening I jumped at the opportunity to go down to the 49th state (bar/restuarant) for some beers, live reggae, and to enjoy the solstice.  It was a perfect evening.  I wore my sunglasses until almost 10:30 pm before the sun finally went low enough to go behind the trees.  It never fully went down though.  :)

All in all a pretty okay week. I'm sure I'm leaving out lots of awesome details, but oh-well.  This week was certainly an adventure!

"I could go for a walk.  
But I know I won't find what I'm looking for there."

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