Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Poquoson, VA

Well, I've been home for almost 2 weeks now. "Home" being relative of course.  Poquoson is home.  Alaska is home.  Idaho is home.  It's all relative.  Poquoson has been good though.  My time has been divided between copious amounts of sailing, studying and taking the GRE, and visiting my sister in Philadelphia.  Tonight I find myself sitting on our back porch with 2 days left here.  It's peaceful tonight.  This is the Poquoson I miss.

It stormed not too long ago.  Low clouds linger in the sky while thunder rolls in and out in the distance.  Breaking all of that is a yellow-pink sky from a setting sun.  Tide sits high, and the water in our canal is glass smooth.  A variety of birds, frogs, and insects sing a symphony to me, while the dripping of excess rain water from trees and roofs chyme in.

The air is humid and still, but fresh and renewed.  A faint smell of campfire hangs at my nose and I can't help but smile.  Purple martins, grackles, and red-winged black birds fly back and forth while singing, playing in the air, chasing insects and bathing in the water.  Blue herons and egrets gracefully fly centimeters above the water or walk the shore while skillfully finding dinner.

My evening is harmoniously balanced and in equilibrium.  A homeostasis in my soul.

In 2 days, I leave, again.  Story of my life.  Only this time?  This time I'm headed home.  To familiar places.  Familiar things.  Familiar people.

My favorite part of arriving at the airport is the sea of strangers surrounding the one person I cannot wait to see.

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