Friday, May 11, 2012

Denali Week 1: Birthday, Dog Adoption, C-camp Plague

First wildflower:
Spring crocus (Pulsatilla patens)
Sunrise: 5:04am
Sunset: 10:40pm

Well, I finally made if back to central Alaska.  I arrived in Anchorage Friday May 4th and arrived in Denali National Park and Preserve Sunday May 6th.  I've officially been here for just about a week and so much has happened already!

Teklanika River Mile 30
Work is good.  I'm doing soundscape research... again.  This time to look at the effects of traffic noise, buses to be exact, on designated Wilderness.  A dirt road cuts into Denali for about 90 miles.  Straight out about 150 feet from the road starts designated Wilderness.  Based on wilderness management plans, there's only supposed to be so much man-made noises (or a certain sound pressure I guess... it's complicated) heard in the wilderness areas, which affects air traffic and the types of buses used in the park.  Between Larson Davis 832 recording devices and camera traps, I get to help figure out which buses are the loudest!

It's really important research and will have major management implications, which is super cool, but it's not my most favorite work.  Everyone keeps asking if soundscape ecology is what I want to do, and it's cool to be working in such a new field, but I do miss the actual wildlife management side of things.

Timber - My "adopted" sled dog
My birthday was this week.  I did some minor celebrating while I was home and again while I was in Anchorage, but nothing spectacular (as usual.  haha).  It did snow on my birthday though.  Enough to stick.  :)  And then I got to "adopt" Timber.  Haha.  I use adopt very roughly.  He's a sled dog here in the park, and while I wish he was MINE, my volunteer duties are to walk him often and give him some lovin'.  He's a very loving dog.  :)

Shortly after that I got sick. Sadface.  I'm not sure where I caught the bug.  Chris and his family was sick in Anchorage while I was there, but a lot of people in C-Camp (Where I'm housed) are sick too.  I've heard people refer to it as the C-Camp Plague.  Makes sense.  Cram dozens of people into a small common space, and a spreadable sickness is bound to occur.  AWESOME.  I've been coughing with a runny nose and major congestion, with no way to get to the store for medicine.  So I've been relying on hot showers and copious amounts of tea to try to help me feel better.  I'm slowly getting better....

My living arrangements are pretty sweet.  My room is TINY, but it's all mine.  For once I don't have to share with someone.  We also have a spacious kitchen, extended countertop, and a cute living room.  There's a common bath house, and currently the water in our cabin is shut off, so we have to wash dishes and whatnot in the bath house.  The nearest town is about 2 hours away (Fairbanks) and then Anchorage (about 4 hours).  Everything in-between is small (understatement) and expensive.

Grizzly Bear at Mile 30
Temperatures are still hovering between 20F to 45F, though next week is supposed to warm up again.  Still lots of snow as well!  Spring birds are starting to migrate in, which is great.  Here in 2 or 3 weeks the entire park should look COMPLETELY different, which is exciting.  I can't wait for green!  I've also already seen a grizzly, caribou, and moose.  Good start to the season.  Also-found my first wildflower (first picture). :]

"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. 
It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. 
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass 
and loses itself in the sunset."

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