Sunday, December 11, 2011

Soldotna, Alaska

The tiny Beechcraft that flew me into Kenai
Well, I'm here.  Soldotna, Alaska living on Kenai National Wildlife Refuge in a small cabin nestled in the woods.  The cabin is great.  It's built for 4, but I'm the only one here, which is fantastic.  :)

I have a nice kitchen all to myself.  And surprisingly, wireless internet AND satellite TV.  A rarity in field work, for sure.  I don't work a full 40 hour week - yet, which has been good since I'm pulling a second job also to supplement my sad intern salary. Woooo.

Homer Spit.  Homer, Alaska
I'm considered here on business, which means I get paid everyday  - including weekends.  And I'm provided a government vehicle. AKA free gas.  8)  The catch is that my driving is pretty much limited to the refuge and going into town with a few tiny exceptions.  But for how little I'm making, that's all a good thing, because it limits what I can spend!

My job is simple.  Which is a little bit disappointing, but I'm hoping I can branch out here and still learn some new skills.  My mind is already on the future and what's coming up next May.  It's true what they say: Need motivation for graduate school?  Spend some time doing field work.

Being away from home is taking it's toll.  It's great to know I'll be home in a week and a half.  I can't wait to see my family, my nephews, and especially my boyfriend.  It's hard to know I'll have another 4 months here about that though. 

On the plus side, we are getting DUMPED with snow right now, which hopefully means snowmachine season will start soon.  :)  I'm a little nervous to get back on a snowmachine here, but I am terribly excited.  :]  We've gotten at least half a foot today.  6 inches of fresh powder.

Two is much much less lonely than one. <3

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