Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Adventure: Fuller Lakes Hike

So I finally got to do some hiking.  It was on the job, but hey, it counts!

Lower Fuller Lake - At tree line!
Me and the supervisory wildlife biologist went up to Fuller Lakes to set up some sound stations.  It's definitely a hike I'll have to come back and enjoy on my own time.  it's weird because with everything frozen, snow covered and "dead", I know come April everything will look completely different.  Which is exciting since that means any hiking I do in the winter will feel like a new hike come break-up.

Hiking here is nothing like the hiking I did in Idaho, which was expected.  I do miss the Sawtooth's, but I need to get over that mindset and finally start enjoying what I have here.

Skilak Lake Valley... I'll get a better picture one day
Fuller Lakes hike was somewhat challenging.  But I got to go on an almost crystal clear day.  Which meant I saw the sun rise over the mountains... and set... in about 2 hours.  Haha.  I also saw the Skilak Lake valley, which was gorgeous.  Fuller Lake was of course frozen, but fresh snow coated everything, so we broke trail and smiled the whole way.  :)

Hike was about 6 miles round trip with maybe 1200 feet of elevation change.  Snowshoes and all.

Not too shabby.  :)

Sometimes where we need to be is exactly where we already are - We just don't know it until we leave.

"Sleep don't visit, so I choke on sun
And the days blur into one
And the backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done"

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