Friday, July 6, 2012

Week 9: Happy July 4th!

Panoramic on Sushana hike
Sunrise: 3:53am
Sunset: 12:08am

Week 9 somehow felt like a week off.  The slow pace was welcomed though since the last 2 or 3 weeks have been busier than hell.  Monday and Tuesday were typical office days.  Lots of data, as usual, but I'm getting quicker at going through it all, which makes it all the more bummer to be leaving early.  I'm glad I'm headed off to graduate school, but it would have been nice to finish out the project here.

EFK1 Site
Wednesday was 4th of July, which from a celebration standpoint, doesn't really mean much up here!  I ended up working that day, doing a third and final hike up to Sushana Ridge (the Hell Hike) to remove the backcountry sound station out there.  It was a good day.  A hard hike still, but it was good.

Thursday was a bus day.  Also as usual, I was incredibly sleepy.  Haha.  We saw a decent amount, but the excitement of seeing a bear or some caribou just off the road has worn off.  It just doesn't feel wild any more.  I dozed in and out for the bus ride home.  The rest of the evening I was in an off mood, which persisted the rest of the week.

View while biking
I took Friday off and after multiple changes in plans ended up biking through the canyon.  It's something I've been wanting to do for weeks, but also had every excuse in the book not to go.  But the sun was shining, I was energized, and had no excuses left.  It was roughly a 20 mile ride, with 14 of those miles being through the canyon.  :)  My ride started beside the Nenana River, worked my way past high rock slabs, and then out into the open with amazing views of the mountains.  The sun happily shone down and for most of the ride I pretended I was near Challis, Idaho riding along the Salmon River.  I couldn't have been more happy or felt more at home. 

There's not a doubt in my mind - My heart is in the Rockies.

My Saturday has been lazy and relaxing.  I'm currently sitting on bed writing this while listening to the thunder and rain, a noise I've missed for far too long.  :)  I'm still in an odd mood.  Graduate school and South Carolina are heavy on my mind as well as everything that comes with it.  It's nice to feel like I'm really moving forward though.  With new plans comes new goals: By 28, I will be living and working permanently in the Rockies. That much I promise myself.

Because some things feel like Home.  And Home is where the heart is. <3

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