Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Next job - Alaska picked me

The more I stay here, the more it feels like home.  Which for anyone who knows how much I fell in love with Idaho, that's a pretty big statement to make!

Short and to the point: I'm staying in Alaska for the next 8 months.  It's official: I'm going to spend my summer/fall working for NPS as a biotech in Denali National Park.  May 7th to November 2nd.  :D

What's crazy, is what led me to this exact moment.  I had so much ALL figured out.    And one little event changed my entire life.  My jeep dieing.  I like to think that everything happens for a reason.  And I'd also like to think that beautiful red off road mean machine (jeep) picked me.  Because I never would have applied to my current job had my jeep not died.

Because I came to work at Kenai NWR, I have gained a lot of experience with soundscape research, which is what prepared me for this job at Denali.  A GS-05 six month position with the National Park Service.

This job has led me to a lot of others things, also, of course.  :)

Regardless, I'm now here through October.  And after that?  Who knows.  Maybe I'll stick around a little longer.  <3

"But I can't go back,
And I don't want to,
'Cause all my mistakes,
They brought me to you."

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